Thursday, August 27, 2009

MOE launches vision statement to highlight values of teaching profession

SINGAPORE : Many say teaching is a calling. And with more people signing up, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has come up with a vision statement to bring out the core values of the profession.

The past decade has seen reforms giving teachers a bigger say in how and what they teach.

There are also more career options, and more opportunities for them to pursue further studies.

All these are part of a process to professionalise the teaching service.

And now, teachers have created a vision statement to express what they aspire in themselves.

The statement is made up of a few simple words — "Singapore Teachers: Lead. Care. Inspire", and teachers said it’s a good reminder of why they chose their vocation.

Nowadays, teachers are also mentors to their class, and have to deal with a whole array of paperwork.

And as students get more internet savvy, teachers have to keep up too.

"I guess they are all bogged down with the daily routine, and they get frustrated when things don’t go their way... and they don’t have the time to sit and reflect and think, which I think is very important in the teaching service... to reflect and think about what we have done, so that there can be improvement," said Ko Li Ling, head of Department at Northlight School.

Over 28,000 teachers helped craft the vision statement, over a series of sharing workshops between February and July 2009.

Attrition rates in the teaching service have stayed fairly consistent in the past five years, at an average of 3 per cent.

And with the economic downturn, coupled with a strong push by the government to expand its pool of teachers, teaching has become an attractive career option.

Just last month, Education Minister Ng Eng Hen announced that his ministry had hit its 2009 recruitment target by the mid—year mark.

It had aimed to hire 3,000 teachers by the end of the year, but had signed on 3,040 by June.

The MOE hopes the vision statement will foster a greater sense of belonging among teachers. — CNA /ls







Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Govt accountable in actions, has worked towards non—discrimination

SINGAPORE: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said on Wednesday the government has been accountable in its actions and has worked towards ensuring that no race is discriminated against in Singapore. He added that what the country has achieved so far is evidence of that.

Speaking in Parliament — which he seldom does — Mr Lee explained that he did not intend to intervene in the parliamentary debate initially.
But having read what a Nominated Member of Parliament said in Parliament on Tuesday, he decided to speak up.
He said: "I think it was dangerous to allow such highfalutin ideas to go un—demolished and mislead Singapore." Mr Lee took issue with the points the Nominated MP made, without naming the member.
The Nominated MP was Mr Viswa Sadasivan, who had called on Parliament to ensure that national policies be founded on the principles of the National Pledge such as racial and religious unity.
Mr Viswa had made several suggestions such as re—examining the current emphasis on racial categorisation and encouraging political associations to better reflect the tenets of the Pledge.
In fact, Mr Lee highlighted Singapore’s Constitution which provides for the minorities like the Malays.
He said: "We expressly stated in our Constitution, a duty on behalf of the government, not to treat everyone as equal. It’s not reality, it’s not practical. It will lead to grave and irreparable damage if we work on that principle. So, this was an aspiration.
"As Malays progressed and a number joined middle—class with university degrees and professional qualifications, we have asked Mendaki not to have special rights of free education in universities, but take what they were entitled to. Put those fees to help more disadvantaged Malays."
Mr Lee also pointed out that policies introduced have in fact taken into account the needs of the people.
He said: "Our Constitution spells out the duties of the government to treat minorities and Malays with extra care. So the basis on which the Nominated Member has placed his arguments is false and flawed. It’s completely untrue. It has got no basis whatsoever.
"And I thought to myself, ’perhaps I should bring this House back to earth’, and tell us and remind all what’s our starting point, what is our base and if we don’t recognise where we started from and these are our foundations, we’ll fail.
"We’re here today, we have this building, we have all these facilities, and all around us is evidence of our accountability. Without being accountable, we would not have been re—elected and there would have been no Singapore of today."
— CNA/ir




第二天早上,我看到报纸上写着:“恐怖分子引爆地铁站” 这一幕,我想着应该跟我前一天目睹的那一场爆炸有关联,想起来真让我有点害怕。我觉得这些恐怖分子没有必要这么冲动,凡事都得三思而行,因为这种行为会伤害那些无辜的人和自己,真得很愚蠢。



一天早上,在上学的途中,我看出窗外, 看到了一辆警察车载追一个很漂亮,新款的跑车。 看到这一幕就让我想起了一件事,回想那件事给了我一个很害怕的经历,事情是这样发生的。


在开车途中,我们的车被两辆车撞上了,我跟我的家人全部都逃脱了危险区, 可是不行的是我们的车夫死了。我的爸爸问警察是哪一辆车把我们的车给撞了,警察说是两辆恐怖分子不小心撞了我们,因为当时他们本是在逃脱。




Monday, August 3, 2009



1。 他,乌黑的眉毛下嵌(qian)着一双水汪汪的大眼睛,总是那么炯炯(jiong)有神。


3。 小姑娘的一双眼睛像星星一样闪亮。

4。 姑姑的眼睛是双眼皮儿,乌黑的眼珠又圆又大。

5。 小妹妹满是稚(zhi)气的脸上那对乌黑发亮的大眼睛,老是忽闪忽闪的。


7。 她浓(nong)黑的双眉下边,眼睛有如明珠似的闪动。

8。 她的又大又灵(ling)活的黑眼睛,像对铃铛似的。

9。 她胖乎乎的脸蛋上,长着一对调(tiao)皮的大眼睛,眼珠子忽闪忽闪的,好像两颗发亮的黑宝石,只要他一眨眼,准出鬼点子。


11。 她的一双明亮的大眼睛像两颗大大的黑葡萄(pu tao), 闪烁(shuo)着欢乐的光。

12。 她那两颗乌黑的眼珠向算盘珠似的乱(luan)转。